Classic Modern Living Room, Westchester NY, Raquel Langworthy, Interiors Photography NJ
Colorful Interiors, Interiors Photography NJ, Raquel Langworthy, Reading
Elegant Living Room, Interiors Photographer NJ NY, Raquel Langworthy
Modern Kitchen Design, Interiors Photographer NJ, Raquel Langworthy
Colorful Kitchen, Raquel Langworthy, Interiors Photography NJ NY
Moody Bathroom, English Country Bathroom, Raquel Langworthy, NJ Interiors Photographer

Raquel Langworthy is a photographer servicing interior designers, architects and brands in the greater NY area & beyond.

Raquel’s unique blend of styling, technique and creative connections with her clients creates lived-in spaces and captures the specific beauty of each client’s vision. With her extensive experience, Raquel crafts authentic narratives through thoughtful composition and color harmonies. She captures visual stories that go beyond mere aesthetics. With every photograph, Raquel strives to create connection, a dialogue between the viewer and the image, allowing the narrative to engage the imagination and evoke emotion.